Hester Creek 'Ti Amo', Okanagan Valley, BC
Readers rated this wine:
Pretty, fizzy, joyful. The third vintage of this fizz from Hester Creek is made in a Prosecco style from Pinot Gris and Gewurztraminer with a splash of Semillon. A fruity wine, Ti Amo I love you goes through a secondary (Charmat-Martinotti) fermentation in tank preserving its dulcet character.
If you love Prosecco, Ti Amo will be just to your liking; The 2021 like it's predecessors has talc floral notes alongside bright honeyed notes, orange-scented talc and orchard fruit. It's got a frothy character and expressive fruit; juicy and quite joyful, it's a floral and fruity fizz with good concentration and a persistent finish.
Quaffable and refreshing.
©copyright 2022 Daenna Van Mulligen
Wine Scores Reviewed - October 17th, 2022
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90 Points

Agency: Peacock & Martin

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