Hester Creek 'Ti Amo', Okanagan Valley, BC
Readers rated this wine:
NEW, fizzy, fruity. This inaugural fizz from Hester Creek is made in a Prosecco style from Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer and a splash of Semillon. A fruity wine, Ti Amo I love you went through its secondary Charmat-Martinotti fermentation in tank preserving its dulcet character.
Crunchy orchard fruit aromas are robed in honey and citrus blossoms. A kiss of sweetness lifts the delicate fruit, it has a lively bubble and charming demeanor. Quaffable, pristine and juicy; a nice first go for Hester Creek and addition for new winemaker, Okanagan native Mark Hopley, who took over from Rob Summers who retired earlier this year.
©copyright 2020 Daenna Van Mulligen
Wine Scores Reviewed - September 3rd, 2020
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90 Points

Agency: Peacock & Martin

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