Hester Creek 'Old Vines Block 16' Trebbiano, Golden Mile Bench, Okanagan BC
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Sweet, juicy, concentrated.
The special, Block 16 Trebbiano vines were planted in Hester Creek's vineyard in 1968. It's a variety common to Italy, and to France (under the name of Ugni Blanc) but not to BC.
Fruit-cup aromas woven with honey, tangerine, a sprig of mint and undertones of marzipan. It is sweet and juicy, ripe and fruit-forward with a pristine character and notable concentration followed by a mouthwatering finish.
©copyright 2018 Daenna Van Mulligen
Wine Scores Reviewed - November 19th, 2018
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89 Points

UPC Code -626990125341
Agency: Peacock & Martin

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