Luigi Einaudi "Cannubi" Barolo, Piedmont Italy, 2003
Readers rated this wine:
If an Einaudi is poured--you drink.
Having visited the Barolos from Einaudi over the past few years my mouth begins to water when someone says the name.
These are collectors, wines you can cellar for 20 years or for special occassions if you can find them but don't let that sway you if you come across the 2003 today-taste it!
Seductive and silky on the palate filled with luscious cherry, dark floral notes, sweet tobacco, truffles, warm spices and tea leaves.
The 2003 Einaudi's should be arriving in stores by October 2007.
Wine Scores Reviewed - September 7th, 2007

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95 Points

BC CSPC Code -408740

Agency: Christopher Stewart